
Hello Enchantresses,

I am Alams, one of the craziest bloggers of "The Mighty Sunshine". You can see my posts related to "EduCareer", which is about your Education, Child's Education, Career Guidance, Work and Balance between work and home.

I have been a full time workaholic , full time house wife and now playing both roles. So i am here to support, guide and clarify about all your queries.

Hmmmm.... you may think, what made me to select this topic??? Actually i had pressures and stress in Education, Career, Family and off course made mistakes; like every other person. But i have also overcome all my hurdles till now. So i felt like, "I want to help other lovlies also to come out of such hurdles as much as i can. If it even proves to be of the tiniest of helps, at least of 0.1% too, I will be happy”.

As posts go, i think we will end up knowing each other well.

Don’t ever think “I am a failure; I had plans but never implemented; I am not perfect" because you are a "SUCCESS, PERFECT & BEAUTIFUL” and believe in it!!

If you have not realised and felt this, please let us know; we "MIGHTY SUNSHINERS" are here to unplug all of that obstacles from your path leading to your potentials and fun in you!!

Please feel free to post your questions.

Last but not the least, MIGHTY SUNSHINE is dedicated to all wonderful women; Girls, teens, daughters, brides to be, wives, mothers, sisters, sisters-in-law, daughters-in-law, mothers-in-law, grandmothers, who are being a sunshine to people around them without their Knowledge.


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