E(N) Kitchen

Hey everyone !! This is Neethu and Niveditha here!! Well to tell about ourselves, here we go….

A famous proverb says,”We should eat to live and not live to eat”. Whatever be the implication of the proverb, finally we need food to live! Food plays a major role in our lives and we people have started searching variety to satisfy our taste buds.

Cooking is the toughest job in the world for some people!! That includes myself, NEETHU..When I started to cook for the very first time, I feared of how I was going to lead my life with this tough process of food making as a part of my day-to-day life!! But to my surprise, I realised very soon that cooking is the easiest thing to learn. My passion for cooking came into existence because of my husband. When someone appreciates and loves the food we cook and ask for more, there is no other big pride or encouragement other than that.And so many tips from my mom, family, friends and internet, boosted me up to try varieties. And so..Here I am, with Niveditha, penning down recipes and cooking tips to make everyone of you to love cooking and feel like a great cook!!

Hi, this is NIVEDITHA BALAJI.. well to say about myself, I have always been interested in cooking since my school days!! People say,”A person who loves eating, experiments in cooking”. I think that is the reason behind my love for cooking. My college works in the afternoons, and hence I used to cook for my friends and family often, which was a pleasure. Most of my recipes used to be experimental outcomes from the leftovers at home, and when it comes out well I was motivated to try more!! The same way, I want to inspire and motivate everyone around me to cook.

So here we are !! In the name "E(N) KITCHEN", where 'En' means ‘My’ in Tamil and also N is enclosed since it’s the letter with which both our names start with, giving the complete meaning “MY KITCHEN”. Happy cooking everyone :-) :-)



  1. You could add videos of Ur preparation r yu culd even start a youtube channel.
    It will be more clear n precise

    1. Thanks for your valuable suggestion Nadhini!! We are working on it and will do that as soon as possible. :-)
