Friday 12 May 2017


Health benefits of spinach:

  • Spinach is a healthy green, rich in vitamins and mineral salt.
  • It helps to boost our immune system and Improves eye sight. It also gives a glow to our body and face, making us look healthy over all.
  • It protects our tooth and bones too!! It keeps our nervous system functioning perfectly.
  • It reduces constipation problems, increases metabolism.
  • Increases blood level for those who are anemic.
  • Reduces bad cholesterol from our body.
  • Helps us from heart disease.
  • Helps us by preventing cancer, diabetes and reduces our excess body weight in a long run.              
                                                                                               Amaranthus Aritis - Arai keerai

What are Herbs and Greens??

Herbs and Greens, also known as leaf vegetables, vegetable greens or leafy greens, are edible plant leaves which are consumed as vegetables.There are 400 types of greens in existence. In Tamilnadu, we use only 100 types of greens. From now, am gonna list a type of spinach which is easily available in market and it’s benefit, in my every post. So here goes the Green for this post..

Amaranthus Aritis - Arai keerai :

❖ A very common and healthy green used in our day-today cooking.

❖ It helps to reduce cold, cough an throat infections.Strengthens brain and heart.

❖ Helps in preventing infertility and constipation problems. Balances Body temperature.

❖ Taking it regularly for lunch helps under nourished children to put on weight in a healthy way.

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