The Fashionista

Hey all !! Well, from the very name of this section “The Fashionista” all of you might have guessed what it’s all about. And yayiiieee.. you were right !! ;-P This is Niveditha chandramohan \ Nivas, am a freelancer Fashion consultant and stylist with a never ending, genuine interest in fashion!! I see myself as a fashionista!! I see everyone around me as a fashionista, just that everyone have their very own unique style!!

 For me, Fashion is NOT about blindly following what is told and shown to us, as the current trend!! Getting Inspired or tempted by new trends in market is natural. Even i get inspired and tempted to try what’s said to be the trend this moment!! But, always remember that everyone of us have our unique style, and making a statement ourselves needn’t have to be complicated and heavy on our pockets !! 

For me, Fashion is about, being comfortable and graceful in carrying out our look, making the right decision of whether a trend fits and suits our style or not, carrying off that trend our way. The list goes on!! well, no worries.. am very much here to share all my love for fashion, head-to-toe here!! :-D Wish me luck ;-D

NOTE : Checkout my work in my FB page linked in "Contact Us".

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