Tuesday 28 February 2017


To start with, A Fashion Consultant is someone who styles a person tip to toe ; including the outfits, accessories, hairstyles, makeup, etiquette, as per the client and their needs. A Fashion Designer is obviously different from A Fashion Consultant !!

A Fashion Designer, designs & constructs her/his own products.

Whereas fashion consultants don’t necessarily need to ( but can !! ) design the products themselves. They concentrate on helping people in creating a perfect look which suits them,

by analyzing and selecting the right combination of products available!! Celebrities either have there own personal stylists or hire famous stylists whenever they need. They help them choose the right look for the right occasions.

So, is it like only celebrities should have stylists?? DEFINITELY NOT!! Every one of us, majority being, ‘brides-to-be' feel the need of someone who can suggest and help them with what can look great on them on their life’s biggest day. That’s where a fashion consultant can strike an entry in your lives!!!

So now , is it like only “brides-to-be” can have/need a fashion consultant??? AGAIN, DEFINITELY A BIG NO!!!!!! We all go through a wardrobe revamp in every stage of our life!!! Some of the examples being : The most colorful part of our lives :- college, becoming a professional, bachelor hood to marriage followed by motherhood, etc. And every stage grooms our personality which also reflects in the way we portray ourselves.

A Fashion Consultant is hence, someone u can turn to, to discover your very own style which goes hand in hand with your personality, ask for suggestions and learn to create a better you overall!!

Every person has a different taste, a different thought, a different point of view, an identity!! Every person is unique!! Hence, A Fashion Consultant works on your needs WITH YOU!! Moreover it’s not only about just creating a few looks for you, but about giving a thorough understanding of what suits you, how and when, which helps you in carrying it forward by yourself!! They try their level best to produce awesome results in terms of being trendy, comfortable, suitable for the occasion; and most importantly, being “THE REAL YOU”!!!

Finally.. my main motto, as a Fashion Consultant and Stylist is to establish that, “ANYONE AND EVERYONE CAN HAVE A STYLIST!!”

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