Tuesday 28 February 2017


Hi all....To start with, we like to share an evergreen favourite dessert of India. No fun without this!! yesss..its yummy payasam!!! No..."apple" payasam. We had to do some sweet for puratassi Saturday pooja. Payasam is always the best option for such occasions and having apples at home we encountered this recipe, as we have heard or read it somewhere.

Here comes the yummy recipe.
Cuisine: Indian
Serves: 3-4
Time: 30 mins



  • Apple- 1 medium sized,grated
  • Milk- 1/2 ltr
  • Sugar- 4-5 spoons (condensed milk 4-5 spoons)
  • Ghee- 1tpsp
  • Cardamom powder- 1 0r 2 pinches (1 or 2 cardamoms)
  • Cashews and raisins for garnishing


1. Boil the milk in a saucepan. Add sugar to it and cardamom. Simmer the stove and keep boiling the milk if you want the consistency of payasam to be thick or else you can switch off once the sugar melts.

2. Then to another pan, add little ghee. Sauté cashews and raisins until golden brown and save it for garnishing.

3. Peal and Grate the apple freshly to avoid the apple from turning brown. Now, to the same pan add little ghee and add the freshly grated apple. Cook until it softens.

4. Once apple is cooked, add the milk sugar mixture to it. Let it boil once. Switch off it immediately to avoid curdles. Garnish it with nuts.
You can refrigerate or serve hot. Either way, it taste’s yummy!! 😋😋😋

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