Friday 17 November 2017


Hi All,
Today in our post we are going to see about “WHERE DO WE USE TRIGONOMETRY IN REAL TIME?”

1. Oceanography

  • To calculate the height of tides in the ocean

2. Geography/Space 

  • Calculating the distance between celestial bodies in space
  • Used in Satellite Systems
  • Used to create maps
3. Physics
  • To Describe sound and light waves
4. Aviation/Flight Engineering
  • To determine the speed and direction of the wind
5. Criminology
  • From which angle the bullet was shot?
  • What caused an accident?
6. Marine Biology
  • To determine the distance of the animals in underwater/sea
  • To determine the animals size and behavior
7. Navigation

  • To determine the Horizon
  • To determine the directions with the compass
  • To determine the location of the shore
8. Marine Engineering
  • To design Marine Ramp
9. Construction

  • Construction of parallel/perpendicular Walls
  • Roof inclination
  • Installing Ceramic Tiles
10. Architect
  • To calculate sun shading, light angels, structural load, roof slopes
  • To measure the height of building and mountains.
11. Video Games

Hope now we understood what are the areas we use Trigonometry in our Real Life.



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