Saturday 11 November 2017


Heyyyy guys.. I am here to share about spinach which is easily available and also has most of the benefits. Soo here lets check out what are the benefits and how can we take it in our day to day life. A quick and easy recipes to make.


  • Helps Reduce eye problems like burning sensation, reduces eye power. Helps to get clear eye sight.
  • Helps to increase masculinity 
  • Helps to increase mother milk secretions
  • Purifies blood
  • Reduces fever, cold, cough
  • Helps in nerve problems and issues related to brain.
  • Stabilize blood pressure

So here lets see the small recipes:

1. In a cup of hot water add 2 tablespoon of aaraikeerai powder and close it for 5 to 10 minutes. Drain that water and add a tablespoon of honey and milk to it and drink it in early morning for 45 days.

2. Boil spinach until it is soft. In a pan, pour some oil, add onions, pepper powder, coconut, and salt. Add boiled spinach to it and serve.

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