Friday 14 April 2017


Cholesterol: Is it harmful??? Well, Not completely !!!! There is good as well as bad. As we age, we face several problems in our day to day life, mainly due to cholesterol. Its in our hands to stay fit and healthy. The major problems are like blood sugar, heart diseases and obesity. I got a chance to check my dad's LIPID PROFILE (Cholesterol report) and found several lipoprotein profile which includes..
  • Total cholesterol (150 mgs % - 240 mgs %)
  • Triglyceride (< 150 mgs %) – Fat carried in the blood from our food which we eat.Excess calories, sugar in our body are converted into triglyceride and stored in cells throughout the body.
  • HDL (35 mgs % - 80 mgs %) – High density lipoprotein cholesterol also called as good cholesterol.
  • LDL (<130 mgs %) – Low density lipoprotein cholesterol also called as bad cholesterol
  • VLDL (<35 mgs %) – Very Low density lipoprotein cholesterol, also a bad cholesterol.
So I think the above info is very much useful and helpful to check and understand your own
lipid profile. Not only this, my dad follows a small home remedy which helps him to maintain
his cholesterol level. Here comes the remedy:

  • Boiled Rice – 1 cup
  • Gingelly Oil – 2 Tsp
  • Salt - As per need
  • Pepper Powder– 1/2 Tsp


1. Take a small cup of hot steamed rice.

2. Add 2 Tsp of gingelly oil

3. And ½ Tsp of freshly ground pepper powder.

4. Finally add salt to taste.

5. Mix it well and consume it hot.

The above remedy not only helps to fight bad cholesterol but also helps in increasing
immunity and maintain body temperature. And not to forget, yummy to eat too !! ;-)

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