Monday 13 March 2017


Snacks or starters…The first thing we remember are deep fried ones. It can range anything from french fries, cauliflower, paneer, mushroom and chicken. Here is how we make vegetarians favourite Gobi 65 to perfection!!

Cuisine : Indian 
Serves : 2-3 persons 
Time : 30 min 


 • Cauliflower - med size cut into florets 
• Wheat flour - 4tbsp ( more or less as per requirement) 
• Corn flour - 1 tbsp 
• Rice flour - 1and 1/2 tbsp 
• Chili powder - 2 tbsp 
• Garam masala - 1tsp 
• Turmeric powder - 1/2tsp 
• Ginger garlic paste - 1tbsp
• Capsicum - 1/2 cubed 
• Big onion - 1/2 cubed 
• Lemon - 1/2 
• Oil to deep fry 
• Salt to taste



1. To a saucepan or pot, add washed cauliflower florets, turmeric powder and little salt. Then add water until florets are soaked. Let it boil once. Filter the water and keep the florets aside.

2. To the florets add all dry ingredients, ginger garlic paste, salt and lemon juice. Mix well.

3. To a pan, add little amount of oil and toss the capsicum and onion. Keep it aside for garnishing in the end. You can also use it raw without tossing.

4. Then in the same pan, add required amount of oil for deep frying and deep fry the cauliflower florets until cooked and crisp.

 In a plate, garnish the Gobi 65 with the cubed capsicum, onion and lemon slice. Now your crispy snack is ready to munch. 😋😍😋

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