Wednesday 8 March 2017


Hey guys!!! Let me discuss with you about my brief experience as a teacher of kindergarteners which taught me who kids really are!!
As a beginner, I had difficulty in dealing with the young champions’ change of emotions, naughtiness, health issues and most of all their unavertable attention towards their parents. Well, after all, we are still pampered by our parents regardless of our age!! That’s when I realised that, I was the “New comer” there and not them!! And henceforth started to mingle with them.

Once they started accepting me, I didn’t feel succeeded but rather felt that it was just a scratch on the surface!! Only 2 out of 5 started listening to me!! But that in itself felt like a huge achievement for me as i felt that once i get their attention, it will be easy to bring them together into a group. What follows next would be a celebration of colours, for sure!!

Now, here is that big question : How to grab their attention ? To make them accept me and believe in me is not an easy job, since am just a stranger in their world! Any of the books or psychological concepts or theories about parenting and teaching will never be helping us understand a kid completely!! It is because, each child is unique in their own way. Hence eventually, I realised that I have to take time in understanding them.

So as their second parent, I started to observe not only the children but everything around each and every one of them; I observed their behaviour, food habits, physical and mental stamina, their interests and also about their families. I closely observed their interactions with their parents also, as it could give me ideas on how they are at home and how they move around with people outside. After all, knowing them better helps us handle them better!!

But then, actually the kids observe us much more than us!! Like from the way we talk, how we eat, what we use, etc. For example, many of us would have heard parents saying that their kid imitates his/her teacher at home. Especially girls use to notice minute things like how we adjust our saree, hair, etc. This might seem funny!! But the point to be noted is that they are watching us keenly!! This is where I learnt my next lesson, that rather than educating them, I have to be a role model to them; since children do what we do and not what we say! Behaviour is what we show them and not what we preach them!! And as a teacher, I realised that when one kid starts following us, they not only learn from us but also help the other kids learn it!!! So finally, I concluded that a teacher and the other kids around also influence them apart from their family.

Apart from studies, we can easily seed the child with what they want to be in future!! Yes!!!! Especially to be a good human being first!!!

   A well sown seed can never be uprooted!!

Once this happens, we will completely enjoy being one among them. And we will be really amazed by seeing certain qualities of the kids that even we might start learning from them!!!

Have you ever noticed a child not talking to his/her parents since he/she was punished by them? No, right? They either learn from their punishments or even commit the same mistakes again, but never hate their parents!! They forgive easily!! Correcting their mistakes are very important!! But at the same time, I learnt that we have to excuse their mess within ourselves and correct them multiple times with patience!! This is because, kids are just busy making memories. They never really intend not to listen, hurt, never use harsh words, never seek money for happiness, never complain and never take revenge. They are always satisfied with what they have. Even everyone of us had these qualities inside us when we were kids, but now it’s all gone!! Kids only know how to love, live, smile and laugh. They see happiness in everything and their happiness is contagious!! Kids are a mirror of how we are!!

 I noticed kids play with each other even after a fight few minutes before. They share food, support each other and be there when they are needed. They even correct their parents mistake if they are wrong and take a stand against them strongly!! I have heard the same from many parents too. Now..Now.. Where do they learn such things from? At many instances like these, they also show to us that there are certain qualities which sprouts naturally in them, that proves them to also be leaders!!! 

So finally, Are the kids learners or leaders?? Well, in my opinion, they are both learners as well as leaders!!!And it is especially in the hands of parents and teachers, to make sure that they never let go their good qualities, gain good behaviour and positivity and stay as leaders always!!


  1. Good start Abi... All the best.��


  2. ''Rather than teaching them, we need to be a Role model " - U nailed it....Too good Angus ! Keep writing !!! 😘😘😘
