Wednesday 5 April 2017


What is “Letting go”?? How important it is for an individual?? Have you experienced how it feels to let go and move on?

"Letting go” is the ultimate solution to have a peaceful life and we all know that!! But knowing and doing has a vast difference!! As a matter of fact, anything is easy when told, but acting likewise in our day to day life is the real mammoth task!!

“In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.”
                                                                                                                            ― Gautama Buddha

“Let go”, sounds like the easiest to follow, but in actual it takes immense will power and courage to practice it!! Just one time, one time if you are able to successfully let go, then the feeling of ecstasy, contentment, positivity towards future and lightheartedness will force you to do the same, every single time. For it’s the only way to move on in life peacefully.

Holding on to something that you know is not meant for you can affect you in two ways!! And Trust me, neither of the ways are good!!! For some, it remains as a pain all through their life and for some it turns into anger, grudge and resentment!! And all it’s going to do is hurt your loved ones and push them also into sorrow!! Well, now you would have understood why i mentioned that neither of the effects are good to have!!

in my opinion, to let go, no one can help you. For that matter, not only in letting go but no one can help you in making yourself a better person, positive and finding peace!! For you are solely responsible for your life. Of course, you will be influenced by people around you, but no one can influence you as much as your conscience!! Be truthful to your conscience, because it is the only thing that’s gonna help you through always!!

“No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.”
                                                                                                               ― Gautama Buddha

The easiest way to “Let go” has only 2 steps!!

1. Acknowledge :
                    Realizing that past can neither be changed nor be brooded over till the end, makes it easy to try the idea of “Acknowledging”. Most of the times, we know what is pulling us back. Then all that you will have to do is acknowledge it!!! If you are able to acknowledge it, then it simply means that you are half way through and Letting go is just a step away for you!! There are times where we don’t get what is weighing us down, and it's due to the murky feelings surrounding us!! This is when you will have to just calm down to come out of that phase first, eventually leading ourself to acknowledgement!!

2. Forgive :
            Forgiving is the final string to pull down for the closure!! In many cases, it’s all about forgiving oneself rather than forgiving someone else or destiny!! No one is perfect and neither is every moment of our life!! So mistakes or wrong decisions are not completely avoidable. But by acknowledging, forgiving, learning and correcting ourself if necessary, from that experience will help us move on in a positive way!!

Interesting right?!! But you know what’s more interesting?? We all know these 2 steps very well!!! Of course, it’s not like you try it once and everything will become better at once!!! But, never give up till you succeed. And i won’t say anything more, as you yourself will have to feel and know the importance of “Letting go”!!

Image source : Google

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