Sunday 27 August 2017


Hi All,

Today we are going to see some tips on General Interview. It is not about technical stuff. It is only about providing yourself presentable, having positive thoughts and how do you prepare yourself for the interview. Here we go..

  • Always do a research on the rounds conducted by the company and prepare yourself technically by preparing yourself for all the questions asked by the company. Browse through the interview questions asked by your company you are attending.
  • Find out the roles, the company recruits for and prepare those areas.
  • Do a detailed research on the company because you may face with a question “What do you know about the company?”.
  • If the interviewer asks you : “Do you have any questions?”. Kindly do not ask questions like “Will I get selected? What is the pay??”. Ask questions with an insight, that may provoke the interviewer to think that you are a rightful candidate to be selected for the role.
  • Try to direct the interview questions asked by an interviewer, yourself. For ex: If you are asked a question, try to answer in such a way, that would make the interviewer to ask the next question based on the answer you provided. In this way you can direct the interview according to your convenience.
  • Never ever try to answer in an assumption. If you don’t know, tell that you don’t know and you will learn/gain experience from it for future.
  • Always give a positive response.
  • Be at your interview venue before 30 minutes.
  • Some companies have a dress code while others don’t. But always go with a light color dress. Reason behind this is very simple, your dark color dress absorbs much sunlight and you may sweat a lot and become tired.
  • Girls, try to wear only light makeup and light color nail polish.
  • Always prepare yourself for the question “Tell me about yourself?”. Be unique and straight in preparing the answer for this question. Don’t go with the usual way of introducing yourselves.

Hope this post was useful. Ping in the comment box if you have any specific questions!!!

Have a Good Day!!!



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