Wednesday 17 January 2018


Hey Ladies!! We all use conditioners these days for soft hair & & to avoid tangle. Though we know that we are using chemicals, let's be frank, we all don't have or are not able to take out enough time to keep preparing/using natural products on daily basis. But, of course i believe that we can take time once in a while to prepare DIY hair masks or conditioners to protect our hair & scalp, as much as we can, from all the chemicals, pollution & styling.

So... Having said that, here i am with a home made conditioner which is very easy, effective & tasty!! WAIT.. WAIT... TASTY??? Like Seriously??!! Well yes!!! This is a  DIY, a part of which is also a yummy recipe to snack on!!!!!And here it is....


  • Rice flour - 1 cup ( i have used 100 gms)
  • Water - 1/2 cup
  • Salt - 2 pinches or as needed

The kozhukkattai / modhak made out of this quantity, serves 2  people.


1. Add water little by little to the rice flour & salt to prepare a non sticky, soft batter which can be moulded into small balls.

2. In a wide, heavy bottomed bowl, take water, enough to immerse the balls of batter.

3. Let the water come to boil. This is very important. If not, the batter dissolves instead of being cooked.

4. In the boiling water, drop the rice flour balls & let it cook for 10 minutes. Stir occasionally. You don't have to close the vessel.

5. Lower the flame to medium & cook, to avoid the water from over flowing.

6. Once the kozhukkattai gets cooked, it rises above the water. After 10 minutes, switch off the stove & drain the kozhukkattai. Save the water !!

7. Serve the hot Kozhukkattai with fresh coconut pieces. And.. cool the water, which looks thick & white in colour.

Now.. The saved liquid is our conditioner!!!! If you are going to use it the very next day, then you need not refrigerate it. Else, you can refrigerate it up to 3 days, bring it to room temperature & use it.


                                                                                                     THE CONDITIONER


1. Wash your hair as usual with the shampoo.

2. Now, instead of conditioner, use the saved rice flour liquid. Pour the liquid on your hair and scalp.

3. Let it stay for 2-3 minutes, then rinse with water.

Try this out.. Your hair will seem soft & fluffy!!! You will definitely love it!!

4. You can also use this rice flour liquid on your face, let it dry & then rinse. It will make your face smooth and soft with regular use.

This seems like a MAGIC LIQUID!! Isn't it??!!! Try it out & share your results with us!!!

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