Sunday 14 January 2018

MY PRAYERS FOR 2018 - Mrs. Bhooma Sundararajan

Good bye to 2017.
One year has gone by ...
A very eventful year indeed........
lots of happiness, lots of mental tensions, lots of fights and lots of forgiveness.....
A blend of all emotions !!!
What 2018 has in store for me, I do not know.
I pray to that Brahman, who is invisible to my human eye,
To insulate me from the sways of worldly emotions.
I also pray to Him to give me the power and energy to attach myself only to Him.
Let my body do my required duty but let my mind be occupied only with the thoughts of the Almighty.

Let my prayers be prayers for the whole world!!
Let me see his Vishwaroopam in Sun, Moon, Rivers, Mountains, Earth and in every object that my eyes could capture .
Let my daily walk be a spiritual walk.....
My ears be filled with the musical chirping of the birds on the trees,
Let me feel the gentle touch of his hands when the soft breeze blows, secure the protection of open arms of the huge trees on the way .
Let my heart be a heart of forgiveness and not an angry heart which hurts all on the path.
Let it generate the love of divine.
Let my hand be a giving hand and if situation demands, be a receiving hand too.
I pray that I spend the year in divine connection.

                                                                                                                 - Mrs. Bhooma Sundararajan.

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