Saturday 13 January 2018

WHY IS 1 CALLED 1 ?!!!

Hi All,
 Wish you all a very happy Pongal!! In today's post, let's see something interesting!! I am not a fan of Maths!!! I am really bad at mathematics, trust me.  But when I came across few of these amazing facts about Mathematics, I loved it & wanted to share with you all!!

From childhood, we have always learnt numbers 1 to 10 just as axioms.  We never wanted another theorem to study why 1 is called as one. But it was interesting when I saw the information why it was called so.

Wanna Know?? Then Read on!!!!!!!

  1. One is called as “1” since it has “1 angle” in its number representation
  2. Two  is called as “2” since it has “2 angles” in its number representation
  3. Three  is called as “3” since it has “3 angles” in its number representation
  4. Four  is called as “4” since it has “4 angles” in its number representation
  5. Five  is called as “5” since it has “5 angles” in its number representation.
  6. Six  is called as “6” since it has “6 angles” in its number representation
  7. Seven  is called as “7” since it has “7 angles” in its number representation
  8. Eight  is called as “8” since it has “8 angles” in its number representation
  9. Nine is called as “9” since it has “9 angles” in its number representation
  10. Zero  is called as “0” since it has “0 angle” in its number representation

Please find the below pic for reference

Now how cool is that !!???? Now it makes some sense to me that these numbers do have a meaning!!!! Let's keep knowing such new things & facts every now & then !! See ya all in my next post!!


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