Friday 15 September 2017


Hey guys .. This week, we are here to learn about the Karisalankanni keerai (ECLIPTA ALBA OR ECLIPTA PROSTRATA).

  Make a fine paste of the Karisalankanni leaves and add it to boiled milk. Drink it early morning in empty stomach for 2 weeks. This helps to reduce jaundice.
  To prevent diseases in general, add a table spoon of powdered karisalankanni leaves with rock sugar, take it before going to bed daily. 
  This is specially for kids, we all know kids play in sand. At times they even eat it. So yeah, if suppose they eat sand, there comes digestion problems, so to have a proper digestion always, just give a table spoon of karisalankanni paste mixed with honey. 
  Add the juice or powder of karisalankanni leaves to coconut oil, boil it. Strain the oil and use it regularly as hair oil. It prevents hair fall, promotes luscious hair growth.

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