Wednesday 29 March 2017


Hi all... Today it's a double update dhamaaka in the blog, as it's Ugadi - Telugu New year!! 😁 we do not celebrate ugadi in our house though we speak Telugu!! But When my maid brought me neem flowers thinking we would celebrate ugadi , i wanted to try it. I quickly noted the recipe from my neighbor and made it with the available items at home. It turned out really delicious. 😋😋 Ugadi pachadi has six flavours that includes sweet, sour, salt, astringent, pungent and bitter depicting that one has to accept happiness, disgust, fear, surprise, anger and sorrow equally in one's life.
Here is the recipe to rejoice the new year. 😃

CUSINE: Andhra Pradesh, India
TIME: 15 Min


  • Tamarind - small goose berry sized
  • Pepper powder - 1/2 tbsp
  • Jaggery - 1 cup 
  • Raw mango - 1/2 cup chopped
  • Neem flower - 1 or 2 stems 
  • Coconut - 2 tbsp thinnly sliced
  • Salt to taste


1. Soak tamarind in 1 cup of water and extract the pulp.

2. Add jaggery to a pan with little water and heat it in low flame. Once it melts, filter it and save .

3. To the tamarind water, add jaggery syrup and other ingredients. Give it a good stir. Your Ugadi pachadi is ready to serve. 😊

 The original Ugadi pachadi even has banana pieces, sugarcane pieces and roasted bengal gram added to this recipe. I just avoided it since i didn't have it at the moment.

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