Wednesday 5 July 2017


Hey everyone!! Aaammm.. Today's post is gonna be different from the usual posts. It's not going to be a post which will suggest or interest you into buying something, but a post that will give you tips to curb unnecessary shopping sprees!! Sounds interesting, right??!! 😎

Well, the tips are going to be very simple, might sound silly but i have seen it work too!! There is nothing wrong in trying out new suggestions. It may benefit us!!

     1. SHOP IN PERSON :

                              Online shopping is one of the main reasons that leads us to shop often with no need or reason. We browse to buy a shirt and end up buying not only that but many other stuff that we come across!! Once in a while, when this happens, it's fine. But when this happens almost every time you shop online, then it's a BIG NO NO!! This can be reduced by trying to go to shops and purchase in person, until and unless you have no other choice.

      2. SHOP WITH A PLAN :

                             Whenever you decide to go for shopping, try to have a rough idea of what you might need. Have few models or trends in mind that you would like to add to your collection. Don't go for shopping without any idea of what you need or would like to purchase!! This will help you to concentrate on only what you have in mind. It will reduce your attention and interest being scattered on all the stuff available in the shop, leading you to become a shopaholic.

      3. GIVE SOME TIME :
                              Many a times, you will know that you are shopping unnecessarily but still be tempted enough to purchase it. This is when you have to take a break and give some time to your decision of buying it!! If it's online shopping, bookmark the product and leave the site. The next day, if you still feel like buying it, open that page and think again. If you are still confused, think about it again, the next day. By doing this, you will actually end up overcoming the momentary temptation and taking the right decision whether you really need it or not!!

 The same method can be used when you shop in person too!! You would most definitely not be in a need to repeat the process!! Because, as soon as you will leave the shop, you will become clear whether you need it or not. 😂 You will end up returning to the shop only when you really need that product.


                               One other effective way to decide when you are in a dilemma, is to inspect your wardrobe!! Whenever you are confused whether you need a product or are shopping unnecessarily, take a break and go through your wardrobe. You might come across something which is similar or many things that you have shopped but have never used / used very less!! This will help you to curb your urges for shopping more.

Now, these are my tips to avoid becoming a shopaholic!! It is Okay to not have something which is termed as the current trend!! It is completely fine to miss something that you really wanted to add to your collection!! There would be many other occasions where you can spend purposefully and also buy better stuff. And this attitude can definitely prevent everyone one of us from unnecessary shopping sprees!! 😊

  Hope you enjoyed this post!! See you soon 😀

P.S.  Now who wouldn't remember "THE CONFESSIONS OF A SHOPAHOLIC" !! And this article definitely needed that movie's picture!! 😍😆

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