Wednesday 7 June 2017


Hey everyone!! Recently, i happened to participate in a kid's fashion show. I designed and styled for my nieces and nephew!!! My choicest models!! 😘😘😘 So this week, i decided to share my recent work pics with you all.😀

                                                                                               RITHUL, SADHVI & SANVI

Sanvi is 7 years old and a born fashionista!! 💃 She loves dressing up and always poses like a Diva!! Dressing her up is my favorite too!! Specially because she enjoys it as well as acts as my critic.


Rithul is elder than Sadhvi by just 5 months. So they both act like twins always. 👫 Literally, making them wear a dress is a huge task!! 😓😂 I didn't rack my brain too much to design for this naughty duo. All i wanted for them was to dress them up conceptually as a pair!!

Kids are always innocent, adorable, funny and most importantly have the capability to drive anyone crazy!! 😂😂 Well, beyond designing and styling, i really enjoyed this experience. It would always remain as a "Close to my heart" memory!! 😇😇

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