Friday 24 November 2017


“The foundation of success in life is good health:

that is the substratum fortune;

It is also the basis of happiness. 

A person cannot accumulate a fortune very well when he is sick”


Hi friends every week I am sharing the benefits and usage of spinach types and today we’re going to see about sukkang keerai which is also known as a bladder dock. let’s see what are the benefits and how it needs to be used.

  • It helps in Pittham (bile) and intestinal problems.
  • Helps in blood purification.
  • It helps in curing all issue related to stomach.
  • Stops vomit sensation/vomiting.

SUKKANG KEERAI is easy to cook. You can add with thoor dhal or make Sambhar. It goes well with rice and chappathi. Sounds yummm too right?!! So why wait?? Enjoy Sukkang Keerai & it's benefits!!

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