Saturday 27 May 2017


Agathi keerai - Vegetable HummingBird :

To get rid of stomach pain, mix honey with agathi keerai juice and drink it.

If you are wounded and blood doesn’t clot, grind agathi keerai leaves and apply on wounded area. Blood clots and prevents infection and pus formation.

In a tbsp. of oil, fry onions and agathi keerai and stir till it's cooked (if you want, add some water). It gives strengthens intestines and nerves.

Do not waste the water which you use to wash rice. Use that water to make agathi keerai soup. It strengthens liver, heart and brain.

Early morning, add 2 tbsp. of agathi keerai powder (dried in the sun and powdered) in a cup of water and drink it to solve Dyspepsia (stomach pain) problems.

Dip a cloth in agathi keerai juice and keep wrapping it around the body for 2 days, to get rid of mumps.

Add agathi keerai in sambhar which helps to reduce pitham (body heat, acidity), kapham (phlegm), vaatham (disability/paralysis). Keeps your eyes cool. Helps to urinate regularly.

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