Wednesday 24 May 2017


Hey people!! Well after my Day & Night skin care routine, i obviously wanted to put up my Clean up routine as well, so that i can move on from this chapter!! The results would be great if we can follow our home cleanup routine twice a week, NOT MORE THAN THAT!! Well personally, i try my best to follow it at least once a week!! And occasionally succeed following it twice a week too!! It’s easy, simple and effective in the long run!! As we all know, Prevention is better than cure, i suggest home Cleanups should be started as soon as one turn’s 17 or 18, to avoid skin damage and maintain good skin!!

I wouldn’t suggest teens and one’s who are not interested to use branded scrubs and masks, to use branded ones!! Instead there are also awesome homemade natural scrubs and masks which are effective and can easily replace branded stuffs!!!! 

Below is the step by step procedure, along with the products i use and also natural replacements that i know works best.


Well, no one can ever change the CTM ( Cleanse, Tone, Moisturize ) routine, which is the very basic for a great skin!! So remove makeup ( if worn ) with oil or makeup remover and cleanse your face properly with a good face wash that works best for your skin.

I usually use La Roche Possay Effaclar foaming gel or Lotus Tea tree& Cinnamon face wash. Other good suggestions, generally for all skin types are Clean and clear foaming face wash and Himalayas Neem face wash.


Steaming helps to open all the clogged pores, making the cleaning process easy.

Frankly, i don’t steam. Very rarely i do it. So, if i steam, i boil water in a wide bowl and after removing it off the stove, put my face close enough for the steam to touch my face. I stay like that till i sweat. DON’T STEAM MORE THAN 10 MINUTES!! Then, with a big cotton swab, firmly wipe my whole face off to remove gunk. People who know to use the blackhead remover, use it in this stage.

Also, i occasionally add orange or lemon zest or any essential oil like tea tree oil to the water, AFTER TAKING IT OFF THE BOIL and then steam for more effect.


This step is to remove all the dead skin cells on the surface of the skin. Apply a layer of the scrub on the face and after a couple of minutes, gently but firmly massage to rub off the dead skin cells. Massage from 1-2 minutes maximum, NOT more than that!! Wash your face clean and pat dry.

I usually use a homemade baking soda scrub, which i find to be very effective!! And HOW TO PREPARE IT, is gonna be the next post!!

Apart from that, when am too lazy to prepare it, i use The Lotus Fresh Apricot Scrub which is also very good with it’s result.

It’s time to nourish the skin, as it’s clean and ready to absorb the goodness given to it!!

I love The Plum Green tea Clear Face Mask!! It nourishes and gives a good glow to my skin!! Other options are any homemade fresh mask that suits your skin. My choices are papaya mask, cucumber, turmeric sandalwood mask, tomato mask. I’ll create a list of home made masks with method in near future.

Apply a thick layer of the mask all over the face and neck. Let it dry completely. Then wash it off and pat dry.


The next step is to tone, which is gonna close all the pores that we opened and cleaned the gunk off. If this is not done, it’s gonna help the dirt and gunk to easily settle back!! Now no one wants that right!? Especially, after all the pain we took!!

I use my usual toner, The Body Shop tee tree toner. Take it in a cotton swab and gently pat all over the face. Let it dry. This minimizes the pores and avoid gunk settling in.

Another all time cheap and best option to tone your face is a Rose water!! 


And finally, we are here to mark the finish of this routine!! But moisturizing is as important as any other step!!! And it’s NOT OPTIONAL!! This step is to literally moisturize, maintain the pH balance and lock the nutrients. 

My go to favorite moisturizer is the Bajaj Nomarks cream!! And if i do the cleanup at night, i use my serum and night cream in this step instead of Nomarks.

Uff.. That’s it.. This may sound tedious, but practically it’s not. Now try it out and find the results for yourself. But yeah, it’s not a magic to transform you completely in one single try!! So follow this routine regularly with patience to reap the best results!! :-)

Haven’t read my Daily Day and Night skin care routine??!! Here are the links!!

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